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Did you know that regularizing your property is easy?

The regularization of property can often seem complicated, but it is not. In the vast majority of cases, it becomes even simple and with an acceptable cost, the big difference is in the result; a 100% documented property is worth much more!
For this, Duclass offers its services and has a legal and technical department to solve and regularize your property, whether in the registration of the construction, as in the authorization of land regularization, or adverse possession.
In addition to regularization with the Federal Revenue (INSS of the work) among others.
Request information and details, or rather bring the problem involving your property and we will bring the solution.

adverse possession

Few legal institutes are as well known by the general population as Usucapião. Many people, either by intuition or by experience, have the perception that the exercise of ownership over a certain good, for a sufficient period of time, is capable of making them able to acquire ownership of that good.

This is an extreme simplification, but the concept of adverse possession, in short, is the same. adverse possession is defined as an original way of acquiring property. Obviously, the subject is complex and requires a better explanation, which we intend to do, in the most accessible language possible, in this article.


Although the name sounds like something complicated, the registration of the property can be understood in a very simple way. It is the act of modifying the content of a record. It can refer to a property, divorce, time of contribution etc. 

Thus, the registration of the property refers to the formalization of all changes made to its registration; a history of all changes that have taken place in a property or in the condition of the owners, duly formalized in their registration, including renovations, lease agreements and even changes in the marital status of the owners.

Assessment and Expertise

Property appraisal consists of knowledge of the property and detailed research of the condition/state of a property. That is, a good broker must be aware of the positive and negative characteristics of real estate. So, with the valuation, it is possible to define a fair value to be paid by the buyer.

Evaluative investigations are all those whose purpose is to determine the value of an asset or a right over it, such as rent, in contractual matters the object under discussion is related to the obligations contracted between the parties, and pathological investigations deal with existing defects in real estate.


Real Estate Documentation

Did you know that the most important part of every real estate sale is real estate documentation? And that people only find out that they would have to carry out some procedures in relation to their property when they go to sell?

When we talk about documents, we are referring both to the personal documents of the sellers and the documents regarding the property that will be traded and the clients.

Real Estate Documentation

Did you know that the most important part of every real estate sale is real estate documentation? And that people only find out that they would have to carry out some procedures in relation to their property when they go to sell?

When we talk about documents, we are referring both to the personal documents of the sellers and the documents regarding the property that will be traded and the clients.


A Duclass conta com um departamento jurídico com especialistas em Direito Imobiliário. Contamos com advogados, engenheiros, arquitetos, peritos e avaliadores que estão à disposição para encontrar soluções relacionada a regularização de imóveis.  

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